Is finding the best alcohol de addiction counselling in Bangalore challenging for you? Wondering how to reach out and seek help from top counsellors to overcome addiction?

At ‘Utile Foundation’, we have counsellors with years of experience in treating people in gaining control over their alcohol consumption and leading a better life.

For Alcohol De Addiction Counselling in Bangalore ‘Utile Foundation’ is Preferred by Most People

In our team, we have licensed counsellors who are experts in the field. We believe that counselling is the key to unlock addictions and guide addicts to form healthy habits.

We are glad to say that with the help of counsellors, we have been offering alcohol de addiction therapy in Bangalore to get rid of substance consumption.

One-On-One Counselling for Alcoholics to Provide Personalised De-Addiction Treatment

We understand the importance of individual counselling for alcoholics. It’s not easy for people to talk about their own addiction and confess things related to alcoholism. So, counselling is the key here.

Our counsellors provide a friendly and very comfortable environment for an individual to share their thoughts and discuss addiction and anxiety freely without hesitation. This ultimately helps to offer the best solutions and guidance for alcoholics in de-addiction.

Counsellors have deep discussions with alcoholics to understand their thinking patterns.  Also, it helps to know what triggers an alcoholic and what are the possibilities to stop them.

How Does Our Group Counselling Program Benefit an Alcoholic?

Group counselling at Utile Foundation helps in peer-to-peer discussion among alcoholics. This results in spreading positivity and a sense of belongingness in the social community by talking and knowing each other during counselling.

Such group therapy helps to boost confidence in alcoholics who are making efforts to overcome addiction. They get motivated by each other and everyone shares their journey and about alcohol habits.

Counsellors make sure that everyone in the group feels comfortable and guide them to find inspiration from peers to quit the addiction.

How to Schedule a Counselling Appointment in Bangalore For Alcoholics at Utile Foundation?

We are available all 5 weekdays to schedule individual and group counselling for alcoholics at our centre in Bengaluru.

You can reach out to us through our official website for scheduling counselling therapy. Feel comfortable to call us on +91 72044 94005 for any queries regarding our counselling program.

What is the Price for Counselling of Alcohol Dependency?

In the cities like Bangalore, the counselling fees for alcoholics can be anywhere between 500-1500 INR. However, the price depends on the hours and sessions of counselling.

At ‘Utile Foundation’, we provide alcohol addiction treatment in Bangalore with the help of top-notch counsellors at reasonable prices.

I hope now you have gained all the necessary information regarding our alcohol de addiction counselling in Bangalore. Our counsellors are ready to offer a support system that alcoholics need for healing. Feel free to reach out to us and we are glad to address your questions about counselling therapy.