Wondering where and how to find post rehabilitation alcohol support in Bangalore?

At ‘Utile Foundation’ rehab we offer follow-up care for alcoholics in Bangalore. We believe in holistic healing and we are glad to provide aftercare therapies for effective recovery.

In our current blog, I’m going to share about alcohol aftercare programs in Bangalore.

Post Rehabilitation Alcohol Support in Bangalore for Complete Recovery by Utile Foundation

We understand that aftercare therapy is equally important with core rehab programs. Thus, we offer our support when it comes to follow-up sessions with people who have completed the rehab courses.

Which Programs and Therapies Do We Offer in Follow-Up Care for Alcoholics?

Post rehabilitation depends on an individual’s needs and conditions. So, based on the requirement we have categorised post-care into various programs.

Some of the most effective aftercare rehab programs at our centre are one-on-one counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and group counselling.

Individual Counselling for Alcoholics to Sustain De-Addiction Phase in Real Life After Rehab

So, individual follow-up counselling sessions provide extra support to recover fully from alcoholism. Our experienced counsellors discuss the post-rehab lifestyle and overall life of an alcoholic during aftercare one-on-one sessions. 

Counsellors have a deep discussion regarding one’s social and family relationships, employment status and all. So, such counselling is necessary to prepare people to face the real world after rehab.

Also, counsellors help to have control over one’s inclination towards alcohol. This helps people to lead their life by staying away from an alcohol trap even after the end of their rehab course.

Cognitive Skill Development is a Part of Aftercare Therapy for Alcohol Recovery

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy boosts skills like decision making, reasoning, planning, etc. Some alcoholics need this therapy as a post-rehab to have more control over their negative and self-destructive thoughts.

At our rehab centre, we support such people by considering behavioural therapy in our aftercare programs. 

This helps in treating any kind of anxiety, fears and depression in alcoholics when they enter the real world by quitting alcohol. 

Group Counselling for Post-Rehab Alcohol Support

Group counselling at our rehab centre in Bangalore helps to motivate people to build healthy habits after overcoming addictions like alcohol. 

We create a better support system for people to cope with the real world when alcoholics recover from addiction. 

Our counsellors help to build confidence in people as a part of aftercare therapy during group counselling.

Who Can Visit Utile Foundation for Aftercare Therapy?

Anyone who feels the need for aftercare therapy after stopping a rehab course can consult us for further support.

Even if you have completed the rehab course from a different organisation and want more guidance from our expert counsellors then also feel free to seek our help.

How to Reach Out to Utile Foundation for Follow-up Care for Alcoholics?

If you are looking for aftercare for alcohol addiction in Bangalore you can visit our official website to get in touch with us.

You can also contact us at +91 72044 94005 to know more about our post rehabilitation programs in Bengaluru. 

I hope now you have gained clarity about our aftercare therapy for alcoholics in Bangalore. It is always good to seek help from counsellors and experts to kick out addiction from life completely.